Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Amazing Race 17
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world isn't it? Well, if you had any doubts, tune in Sunday nights to see Phil and the 'teams' once again compete for a million dollar prize in a race around the world. The Amazing Race is a guilty pleasure for us, part 'A Hard Day's Night,' part Dr. Phil. It shows the best and the worst of people competing under fairly difficult circumstances. We've tuned in for most of the 17 seasons. After so many 'Races', the producers do a good job of fine-tuning the dramedy of friends, family, and co-workers competing, complaining, and providing dubious amount of encouragement in locations around the world.
I recently added Gowalla to my iPhone. Gowalla, like Foursquare, is a location-based social networking device. Both of these apps allow you to check in at various locations and share your opinions of what you find there with your friends.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Travel Like a Pirate – Aruba Trip Giveaway | NileGuide
With the kids back in school and Jenni working second shift at one of our local colleges, I've had little time sit down and post anything lately. I did see that NileGuide had an offer to win a fee trip to Aruba. I've never won a free trip to anywhere, but if you're feeling lucky, the details are below.
Travel Like a Pirate – Aruba Trip Giveaway | NileGuide: "